How do you see our pious motherland (Pind) in 20 years from today? Well. If you ask us, we would say- “More Empowered and More Connected”.
Punjab 2030 is a dream to bring Punjabis altogether- more empowered and more dignified than ever before. This can happen only when you will support this noble cause and help yourself grow beautifully even on the foreign lands. Punjab 2030 is not only a plan but a draft of the whole future city in itself. Punjab 2030 a punjabi co-operation by all Non resident punjabis .
The Core Mission
Pursuing Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message of universal brotherhood and equality, which is cherished globally, we will make a congress where all can be benefited, financially as well as emotionally.
Benefits of Lifetime Members
Make your Move
We are the humans and the only motive we should have is to show humanity to others, as GURU NANAK DEV JI has taught us.
The core strength of the idea of PUNJAB 2030 is to make people capable of living a dignified life even when they are not in their respective countries. The mission of Punjabi’s future city is the well-being of the family unit and the brotherhood of the larger Punjabi community.
Our future city should be a gateway to the diverse cultures and religions. It is through the principals of GURU NANAK DEV JI and by respecting other religions that we will solve global conflicts.
So let’s make the dream of ‘Empowered Punjab’ come true, take part in this noble cause and benefit your people along with yourself for once and for always.
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